
Name of the Puzzle:  Landscape
Difficulty level:  Intermediate
Number of pieces: 36 (6×6)
Other levels available:  Yes

Number of pictures to choose from: 4
Pictures depict: Desert Eye, Desert, River, Mountains

About this puzzle:  This puzzle is designed for adults that enjoy a good puzzle once in a while.  Hard core puzzle fanatics and experts will find these puzzles to be too easy.  The pictures in this puzzle set are all depicting beautiful landscapes such as a desert, a river and mountains.  The pictures are easy to remember and you do not have to worry about it being too hard to solve it.  The puzzle starts on easy difficulty.  If you want it to be harder you can choose to set i to hard difficulty.  If you want it to be easier you can reduce the number of pieces in the puzzle. This is one of our easier puzzles for adults.